International Scientific and Academic Research Publisher

Transfusion associated Graft Versus Host Disease; A 25 years old female- A Case Report

Author: Dr. Md. Maruf Al Hasan*, Dr. M. Morsed Zaman Miah, Dr. Romena Alam, Dr. Masuma Mukta, Dr. Md. Maruf Morshed, Dr. Tamanna Nourin, Dr. Tasnim Mahmud
Published Date: 2024-09-20
Keywords: Graft, host, immune, cell, prognosis, transfusion.
This case study aims to explore the difficulties arisen of having transfusion associated graft versus host disease, due to poor prognosis or lack of early diagnosis. A 25 years old non-diabetic, nor-hypertensive female patient from Meherpur Sadar with the chief complaint of fever and anorexia for 10 days along with skin rash for 3 days, received one-unit fresh whole blood advised by the surgeon, the donor was her own brother. After that, she noticed high grade of continued fever along with anorexia and skin rash. The confirmed diagnosis was Transfusion associated Graft Versus Host Disease. Patient was referred to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital. She started having septicemia. Patient was transferred to ICU for her critical condition. At last, the patient expired due to multiple organ failure. The overall survival rate of TA-GVHD is very unsatisfactory. Awareness among people can prevent this disease by enhancing early detection and rapid treatment.

Journal: ISAR Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
ISSN(Online): 2584-0150
Publisher: ISAR Publishers
Frequency: Monthly
Language: English

Transfusion associated Graft Versus Host Disease; A 25 years old female- A Case Report
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